Archive for April, 2008


Kicking Off Another Work Week!

April 20, 2008

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! Relaxation, What’s that? My gears are al ready turning and my focus is the upcoming week, client activities, completion of projects, and the question of “what new niches can I learn to help my customers”!

As you all know, I find time to read a few blubs here and there and always like to pass along my favorites! “Three Ways to Turn Your Web Forms Into New Business Generators” – written by Mr. Internet (Michael Russer) and published in the March Issue of the Realtor Magazine, the blub caught my attention and I wanted to pass it along to my blog readers. It offers informative information regarding your website forms. To read the article, click here.

At the same time, it’s Sunday, we’re kicking off a brand new week, and I need to take the time to thank my newest agents that have signed on with VreBS – Thank You and I look forward to working with each and every one of you. To others, remember when it is your time, call or eMail. There is always space available. You can find a list of services on the web at, request price quotes, and read the latest testimonials.

Until next time, have a wonderful work week!


It’s Almost Monday!

April 13, 2008

Here we are wrapping up another weekend – a weekend that was once again chilly, wet, and just plain icky!  Since staying indoors is normally the outcome of cold wet days, I took the opportunity to do some work, begin new projects, and catch up on my reading – blogs, forums, & real estate “tid bits”.  I found a comment that really caught my attention.  Though seemingly little, it certainly had meaning.

 As an Agent, your business is comprised of two main functions: Creating customers and servicing customers. You need to be good in both arenas, but your career success hinges on being truly great in only one.  Which one?”  The advice given was to put the bulk of your time and effort into the customer development part of your business.  Why?  To create a large, successful business, undoubtedly you have to excel in both areas, but if you have to prioritize, emphasize customer creation for these reasons:

* If you can’t create customers, you won’t have anyone to service.  And since customer service excellence results from customer service experience, customer development is a necessary prerequisite.”  (Real Estate Champions – Coaches Corner)

Just as an agent, A Virtual Assistant’s business is also comprised of two main functions – Creating customers and servicing customers.  I am taking this time, again, to welcome new agents. 

You may be one of many that are unfamiliar with the Virtual side of real estate.  Feel free to visit my website at  Get your questions answered:  what/who is a Virtual Assistant and what types of services do they offer,  Inquire about lead management, custom web design, listing coordination, drip marketing, database management and more including hours and rates.




As One Journey Ends, Another Door Always Opens

April 7, 2008

It’s Monday! Prior to starting a new work week, I wanted to share with everyone an announcement. As some you of may have read throughout my blog and website, I have been a Virtual Assistant/Specialist with REVA Teams, an online company owned and operated by Michael Russer, AKA Mr. Internet. It was brought to my attention this past week that REVA Teams is closing its doors. As gloomy as it had seemed, I now understand that this change is going to bring forth bigger and better ventures.

I took it upon myself to personally thank Michael for giving me the opportunity to not only learn from the best, but work with the best! During my five year journey, I was given the opportunity to work with some of the top Virtual Assistants and assist with multiple clients needing help in every aspect of real estate. I strongly believe that the exceptional training and hands on experience with REVA Teams has given me strength and a better understanding of both real estate & real estate professionals.

Today, I continue to welcome agents to come on board the Virtual World! If you have been thinking of hiring a Virtual Assistant, but are uncertain of how it is that we can help you, don’t hesitate to ask questions. Visit my website, eMail, or contact me directly. I welcome the opportunity to speak with you.  (Referrals are always appreciated)

Until next time, have a wonderful week!